iTranslator - Photo To Text Hodnocení aplikace

False Advertising

This app advertises languages not in the app, find another app.

Easy interface

high quality graphics. Fast OCR and translation and free for translations, perfect for travelling

It’s not real time translation and no demonstration

Just looking at the app for the pic to translate it’s not turning out that way but hey you spent 99.99 to get a license to develop maybe offer the app at a price at 2 bucks or something or offer free try’s before people buy else your gonna get crap.

Not free

It is not free.

Misleading App

How is this a free app when you can not use it. I don't know if it even works. Why would I buy a chance to see if it does. Photomath is a free app take a lesson from them. If you want anyone to pay for an app show me that it works. I might be willing to pay one price but not for each photo, that is a rip off

This App will never get a chance to be popular

I deleted the app shortly after I downloaded it. I won't buy for an app unless I get chance to try it out. Like many of you, I have been burnt too many times paying for apps that turned out to be a rip off. So I am not willing to pay money for unknown product. Plus this app charges you per translation, so even if turns out to be a good app, I would to have to keep paying money to use it. There are too many free apps, or reasonably priced apps out there that can achieve the same goal. The developer needs to rethink his or her marketing strategy. As a business owner I would rather charge $1 for a product, and sell a million copies than charging $100 and sell only 10 copies. Good luck and best wishes. Mark


In order to use the app you have to buy tickets.

Not a free app

This is not a free app as advertised. You are required to purchase tickets in order to use this app!!


البرنامج زفة كل الي بيه بفلوس 🙌كش


Bad app, don't download!



I regret this

I bought 20 tickets for nothing. This app crashes every time I try to use it. Wasted time and money.

لا تضيع وقتك بهيك برنامج

البرنامج بيعرض حاله على انه مجاني بس الحقيقه هو مو مجاني... وفي برامج احسن من هيك بكتير ومجانيه انا نزلته وحذفته فورا

Piece of garbage

This app is not free. Once you download the free app you have to pay to use it. And it doesn't work. It crashes do not spend your money.

Very cool

A very cool and very free app

Another rip off 'free' site

This app presents itself as being free, when in fact it's another one of those 'free for the app, but pay to use' it (and it's way too expensive for the 'tickets'). There are other genuinely free apps out there that does a better job than this one, but my main reason for my low rating (and quick deletion), was due to the silly cost. Don't waste your time like I did.

Not working.

Gives me the wrong translation. Not detecting properly.

Translation worked solidly

This app did a good job translating medium sized groups of text. The translations were actually quite accurate. Really cool technology!

It works

It is a great idea and it recognized the text I scanned. I think 2 tickets is not enough to test the app and I also think the app user interface can be improved. Good job!

Work but..,

It worked but the translated was very bad.


It's ok but had a hard time getting it to work correctly. Great idea but needs to be easier to use.

Not working

I gave it a try and translated an image from German to English but all I got was gibberish back. Maybe I did it wrong!


Cool app. Very useful for everyone! Super handy and convenient. Will be using this for sure

Very useful

It’s great app for translation especially for traveling. I read some reviews and I think some people still don’t know that they should select the text with crop mark before translation, It would be better if you add a help page for them. Cheers

Just plain awful

Do not buy this app!!! Waste of money. Doesn't translate hardly anything. Didn't recognize 99% of the text.

Worst app ever

Worst app ever!the best part is that I hasn't crashed yet!I'm deleting it quickly!

ITranslate-Photo Text.


Doesn't work!

I paid five dollars to buy translations... But it keeps saying "No text recognized" or something like that. What a rip off... Don't buy.

Have to pay

Everything costs money; you can do literally nothing unless you pay at least $5

Costs Money

The fact that this app costs money per translation is a major let down.

Not all

Not all languages are translated. You cannot translate Japanese to English.

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